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You can find the patch on the site You will need to login with a current account, or create a new one.

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What's in this update?

Over 120 significant modifications have been made in this update including both bug fixes and additional graphing and statistical analysis features. Some of the most important are listed below:

SPW 12.2 Patch, Improvements

  1. Completely reformatted Help and Manual
  2. Added mouse wheel scrolling to property browser combo boxes
  3. Added PNG format graph export
  4. Significantly improved program stability
  5. Added Kolmogorov-Smirnov assumption checking for the Mann-Whitney (Rank Sum) test
  6. Added one-tailed parametric t-test
  7. Improved the accuracy of power values for paired and unpaired t-tests
  8. Added percentile method option for rank-based tests
  9. Added enhanced metafile pasting to PowerPoint macro
  10. Added bitmap printing for displaying GDI+ features on any printer
  11. Fixed macros running in Windows 7
  12. Fixed copy and paste problems with Excel
  13. Corrected legend text editing
  14. Corrected the grouping of graph objects
  15. Fixed Standard Curves macro bugs
  16. Improved various tooltip descriptions
  17. Fixed PDF printing
  18. Fixed Paste to PowerPoint for multiple graph types
  19. Improved anti-aliased line performance
  20. Fixed 3D graph export
  21. Fixed various Radar Plot options
  22. Added type-in capability for various Property Browser combo boxes
  23. Improved UI for common log scale, axis breaks, bar thickness, data point sampling
  24. Fixed Date & Time axis tick values
  25. Fixed gradient fill legend display
  26. Improved ternary axis title display
  27. Fixed linear regression line incrementing colors
  28. Added New Section to SigmaPlot button
  29. Added arrowhead properties controls
  30. Fixed context sensitive Help